Immobilienbewertung Düsseldorf & Region.
zeitnah - unabhängig - gerichtsfest

Short reports - also known as an expert opinion - determine like valuation reports the value of property. Where is the difference?

  •  Short reports essentially provide you with a market value of the property. As a result you save money in comparison to a valuation report (at least 50% of the fees for a valuation report)
  • As you already know the property, describing elements are left out of this report; the focus is on the property value. Only a few property documents of the valuation are enclosed
  • This market assesment provides support for internal (family) disputes or the determination of selling price for the property

You do not need to wait months for an appointment. We offer short-term appointments on site.

Market assessment - quick and cost-effective

An expert opinion helps you find out the market value of your property quickly, cost-effectively and uncomplicatedly. We know from experience that time is of the essence. This form of real estate valuation provides this required quickness and flexibility.

Short reports are ideally suited for usual kinds of real estate i.e. without (legal) complications such as property rights, entries in the land charges register or leasehold contracts. This report offers guidance and is not legally binding. It is well suited for the determination of the purchase price or for uncomplicated disputes.

The charges for a buyer consultation for private housing are 1,150,00 € + VAT for private property. Fees for further property types upon request.

Your certified surveyor for short reports - expert opinion.